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An Aerielle View Freelance Writing & Publishing Services

Are you a writer in need of consult?

Are you an author in need of editing services?

Are you a business owner in need of a logo?

Are you an artist in need of a press release write up? 

Are you a blogger in need of blogs, excerpts, or book reviews?

....Well I am here to help!

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Welcome to AAV

         is my self-titled freelance company inspired by my journey as a non-fictional author and poet. AAV was incorporated in 2018 to assist authors, bloggers and artists looking to self-publish.


AAV has a variety of services to accommodate your specific creative, writing, and publishing needs. Unlike any other publishing company, I, Aerielle, am a fellow author/artist. I am dedicated to taking on each individual journey with you through a consultative approach while providing you with guidance, ideas, support and results. 


Unconventional storytelling and publication takes an aerial (Aerielle) view of psychology, literature and art that I will always bring to the table as your editor-in-chief, graphic designer, or fellow writer.


AAV, formally known as An Aerielle View Publishing, LLC, 

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 (my abyss)

My Published works:

(book cover designs and album cover created by AAV)

Public Speaking / Community Outreach Events

“Your perceptions determine your reality."


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 Aerielle Tuggers

Owner, Editor-in-Chief

An Aerielle View Pu., LLC 

a proud Memphis, Tennessee native and Atlanta, Georgia’s adopted peach. Living out the meaning of my name, I believe myself to be the "lioness of God", as I dedicate this human experience to vitalizing the lives of others around me through my literary gifts, passion for unconventional creative expression and unwavering devotion to mental health.


Professionally, I earned my degree in Psychology from the illustrious Spelman College in 2015, which counterploted an array of both personal and professional opportunities. My professional career began in the legal field where I served as a legal administrator and paralegal in the fields of criminal defense, personal injury, immigration, and family law. My experience shifted from there, but was more aligned with a personal interest of mine, as I became the client services coordinator for an architecture and interior design company participating in the interior design of hospitals, state colleges, logistics companies and corporate offices.


In 2017, I birthed my first form of artistic expression for the world to see as I sat in vulnerability for the very first time. Releasing my inaugural book "One Percent" led to me awakening a gift I didn't even know possible; self-publication. I studied, invested and stepped out on faith, never looking back. 


As a publisher, I became the change I wanted see, launching An Aerielle View Publishing, LLC in 2018. Becoming a Jill-of-all-trades, I created a safe-haven for authors/artists in need of an any and all publication related services where there are no hidden fees, no percentage splits and total confidentiality. AAV is a platform for representation, education, counsel and free expression. I vow to represent my culture and ancestors well, while educating the next generation, counseling those in need and assisting in the production of your freest soul expressions. 


From my heart to yours, I genuinely appreciate, hear and love you!  

I am Aerielle,


(All Services Require a $75 Consultation, your consult fee goes toward any chosen services with the exception of Developmental Editing)

Developmental Editing 

$21 Per Hr.

(Minimum 6 Hours Required)

  • Idea Generation 

  • Chapter Outline Created

  • Chapter Titles

  • Handwritten word conversion to document  

Book Editing 

Starting at $100

($75 increase for every 50 pages after the minimum requirement)

  • Pages 1- 50        = $100

  • Pages 51 - 100   = $175

  • Pages 101 - 150 = $250

  • Pages 151 - 200 = $325


Starting at $75

(Based on need) 

  • Literature (Editing rules apply after 5 pages)

  • Blog Post Excerpt 

  • Social Media Content 

  • Interview Scripts (Live Counsel)

Graphic Arts

Starting at $75

(Up to 3 edits for same price) 

  • Book Cover Design (4th edit =  $90)

  • Album Cover Design (4th edit =  $90)

  • Magazine Cover Design (4th edit = $100)

  • Business Logo (4th edit =  $85)

Publication Necessities

Starting at $100

(ISBN services only  provided w/ book printing services)

  • Book Printing (Pages 1 - 50)    =  $100 

  • Book Printing (Pages 51 - 100) = $150   

  • ISBN Number                            = $150

  • Copyright application               = $200

(Copyright application completion and submission to the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. for authentication)

AAV Reviews

Starting at $75

(A published forward is at the discretion of Editor-in-chief)

  • Forward for Book                            = $75

  • Author/Artist Press Release           = $75

  • Full Book Review (pages 1 -50)      = $100  

  • Full Book Review (pages 51 - 100) = $150


Thanks for submitting!

An Aerielle View



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  • Instagram

Book your Consultation

All the above listed services begin with a non-negotiable1-hour phone consultation (consultation fee is due upon booking and is non-refundable). This conversation is the time to converse with me about the vision for your literary/artistic project. We will discuss details about your project that include your project idea, prospective release date and services needed to accomplish your goal(s). A contract will be drafted based on the needs expressed during your consultation. Upon your return of the signed contract and receiving associated fees for your chosen services are to be rendered within the timeframe specified within the contract. Please note that all services are non-refundable after contract has been signed and received. 


& Vitality
Through the eye of the eccentric storyteller"

© 2023 An Aerielle View, LLC. All rights reserved.

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